You may or may not have heard that the Zeta Pi Alumni Association has been re-established as of 2023 and is diligently working to create an organization, that like the chapter, will stand the test of time.
Current Leadership:
President: Mike Szettella
Vice President: Bob Van Acker
Treasurer: Cory Heck
Secretary: Jeff Waite
Chapter Director Liaison: Tyler Reynolds
We have founded the organization on the ideas of bringing together the alumni of the chapter, establishing a functional Housing Corporation, creating a scholarship opportunity or opportunities and providing up to 4 major events each year that help support these causes.
As of May. 1, 2024, the ZPAA has 37 paid members, ranging from Chapter Founding Members to the Beta Omicron pledge class.
The ZPAA and the ZPHC are fully registered entities in the State of Michigan and with the IRS. We are currently starting our path to achieving a 501(c)3 designation, which we hope to have completed as soon as possible in 2024.
Ritual (chair Jeff Waite): To help facilitate the chapter’s performance of the ritual, act as “stagehands” for the initiations, maintain/repair ritual equipment, etc.
Events (chair Bob Van Acker): To organize our 4 standing events every year. Chair is defined as the organization’s vice president.
Scholarship (chair John Hendley): To come up with criteria for awarding scholarships to the active chapter, suggest scholarship levels, names, amounts, etc.
Communication (chair Mike Hoskins): To work on alumni-focused newsletter, which will be at least once a year to start and available digitally online. Chairperson will also work on communication, website maintenance, chronicling related Zeta Pi history, and connecting with National as needed on ZPAA and related marketing/communication tasks.
Alumni Dues:
The current dues structure is $240 per year (March – March) and breaks down in the following manner:
- Events: 42%
- Housing Corporation: 25%
- Scholarship: 25%
- Operational Cost: 8%
Your dues in the first year also include:
- an embroidered polo shirt with the logo on it
- another small gift (TBD as ZPAA confirms details)
- discounts to all alumni events since you will have money being paid into supporting these events
All members who join and pay the dues in the first year of 2023 will be considered founding members of the organization and will have rights to use the logo that signifies them as such.
Pay your ZPAA dues below, to on Paypal
Winter Poker Night: Held on Feb. 3, 2024, this downtown Rochester event brought about many Alum brothers together.
Baseball Outing at Jimmy John’s Field (June 21, 2024): Along with baseball on a patio or pavilion, this outing includes an all-you-can-eat picnic service that begins when ballpark gates open and lasts for 1:30 hours. This is a limited ticket event, with paid ZPAA members receiving discounted ticket prices ($15 for ZPAA members, $40 for non-members). Includes baseball, buffet, two alcoholic drink tickets, unlimited soft drinks.
Zeta Pi Fall Classic Golf Outing: Each year on the first Saturday in October. Inaugural event in 2022. More than 30 Alumni Brothers attended. Cost: $100 for ZPAA members or $125 for other alumni (included 18 holes, cart, BBQ afterward, prizes). More details on event page. The next event will be Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024.
We currently have some future events in the works that you will hear more about as the details are finalized.
While the ZPAA is excited to bring you these and some other official events, keep in mind that several other events and gatherings bring our Alumni together throughout the year. These include, but are not limited to: the 7 Iron Challenge and Rob Waters’ Tiki Night on Wolverine Lake on July 3, Pig Roast, and monthly Brotherhood Night gatherings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
None of us joined or took part in this fraternity for the privilege of attending regular meetings and learning Robert’s Rules of Order. But they became a part of our shared experience in college, and they remain so now with the ZPAA.
On the final Tuesday of each month, the ZPAA hosts a business meeting to discuss the latest happening and what’s next for the alumni association and our fraternity chapter in general. You’re welcome to join in and share your thoughts as a Zeta Pi Brother.
You can find meeting minutes and ZPAA’s annual recaps online here.
Brethren, we are excited about what we are creating and establishing. We are excited to have the membership building and growing and we are even more excited to have you all join in and join along.

If you are interested in more information or are interested in becoming a member please reach out to Cory Heck for membership information and how to pay or reach out to one of the other current officers.
If you’re an alum from our chapter, you can join the Sigma Pi Alumni – Oakland University group on Facebook. It’s a closed group, so you will need permission to join.