Poker Night (Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025): On the first Saturday before the Super Bowl. At Masonic Lodge in downtown Rochester (318 Walnut). Setup starts at 5pm. Cards from 6-10pm. Pizza provided from Brother Mike Grant’s pizza business in Roster, along chips and pretzels. BYOB. (See the ZPAA FB page for more details as they become available.)

Baseball and Brotherhood: June 21, 2024 at Jimmy John’s Field

July 3rd Tiki Night: Rob Waters’ house on Wolverine Lake. (Not sponsored by ZPAA)

Zeta Pi Fall Classic Golf Outing: Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024. Always on the first Saturday in October. You can find more details and pay for the event here.

Brotherhood Nights: Every 3rd Tuesday of the month at CJ Mahoney’s in Rochester. (Not sponsored by ZPAA)
