The Zeta Pi Alumni Association (ZPAA) holds a business meeting at 7 p.m. ET on the final Tuesday of each month.
Any Zeta Pi Brother can attend for free at Google Meet.
Remember, this is a chance for you to share your thoughts on ZPAA activity, what you get or might want out of this alumni group, and the direction of our organization currently and in the future. We also discuss the undergraduate chapter and often hear from one of the active members or chapter director.
On Sept. 24,2024: the ZPAA held its first in-person membership meeting at the Masonic Lodge in downtown Rochester. The address: 318 Walnut Blvd, Rochester, MI 48307.
This was our first experiment with an alumni clubhouse of sorts, and this initial gathering was under a new contract we’ve reached with the Masons to hold several events during the next year. We expect to have the in-person meeting and will hopefully coordinate this meeting, which will also be partially virtual through the usual Google Meet platform.
Proxy Voting
If you can’t attend a meeting but still want your vote to count, you can allow another Alumni Brother to vote in your place.
Please use this Proxy Vote Form and submit it by the Friday before the next scheduled meeting. Submit it to ZPAA Secretary Jeff Waite. If you can attend the meeting, your proxy vote will be canceled so you can cast your vote in person.
Meeting Minutes
Below, you can find a copy of the meeting minutes compiled by the ZPAA Secretary or a designee for that particular meeting. They will be linked below as they become available and will also be shared with dues-paying ZPAA members via the shared Gmail/Google Drive before the next monthly meeting.
Nov. 6, 2024 special in-person meeting minutes
September 24, 2024 (in-person meeting) minutes
If you have any questions or comments about the ZPAA monthly meetings, these links minutes and reports, or the alumni association overall, please don’t hesitate to contact Brothers Jeffrey Waite or Michael Hoskins for more.