This Brother Lineage is a Work in Progress, so please pardon our construction as we sort through the hundreds of Brothers and connect them all together.
We’ve had 440 Brothers who’ve been initiated into our Brotherhood, with pledge classes ranging from the original Founding Lines to our Gamma Epsilon pledge class in Fall 2024.
Each Brother gets a Big Brother when joining the fraternity. Generally, a Big Brother is meant to serve as a mentor in the fraternity. This relationship between each “big” and “little” can be unique and can extend well beyond the college years into the rest of life.
Of the original 19 Founding Brothers who were a part of the Omega Nu Pi Colony, only some of them adopted Littles and began our Brother Tree.
12 Lines came from those early days. 3 lines survive, as of the current 2025 undergraduate chapter.
Current Surviving Lines
Michael Hess
Michael Martin
M. John Pearson
Our Undergraduate Chapter as of January 2025 has 24 active members.
Brother Lines No Longer Active
(Click on each Brother’s name to see their Line)
Brother E. Craig Porter (Founding Sage)
Joseph Farrug (Beta Pledge Class Transfer)
Ever-Evolving Brother Tree
We presented the Brother Tree at Orchid Ball 2016, which marked our Chapter’s 30th anniversary.
Thanks to Brothers Mike Hoskins and Jeff Waite who were largely responsible for compiling the Brother Lineage, both Mike LaFerle and Doug Van Slembrouck for creating the visual layout of the Tree, and Rob Waters for generously donating his printing services to create the 4 foot by 6 foot spread on display at Orchid Ball.
With any history, some things have been lost to time. Although we work hard to ensure the accuracy of the tree, if you are an alumnus or active brother who has found an error, please let us know and help us get it right! You can contact our Alum-Active Chapter History Team — Mike Hoskins, Mike LaFerle, and Bob VanAcker, Rob Pankau III, and Chuck Surinck (plus the current Herald at the Undergraduate level) — directly at or
Written In Brotherhood,
Mike Hoskins