The Brothers included in this tree include:
David Peterson, Rob Waters, James Asbury, Paul Singer, Art Stephenson, Greg Crain, Ed Ross, Bob Lohmeier, Jeff Doxey, Linus Caballa, Gabe Gazoul, Sean Mick, Matt Karrandja, Dave Durrenberg, Scott Andrews, Sean Mick, Brian Jaeger, Shawn Stretten, Mick Ide, Justin Smith, Wayne Suchyta, KJ Sampat, Kristian Slywka, Michael Hoskins, Brad Groff, Bryan Urben, John Hendley, Jonathan Greene, Aws Ali, Joe Mierzwinski, Andrew Haataja, Ryan Monzon, Rob Lada, Kevin Wilson, Jeff Campbell, Cory Heck, Brett Westen, Mike Burris, Steve Stokes, Pat Steele, Matt Rice, Nick Pomposelli, Greg Corker, Nate Bunker, Ryan Elisei, Jonathan Mayer, Tom Constanti, Andrew Akash, Matt Raymond, Steven Wilkinson, Scott Ishbia, Brian Mullin, Jack Nacy, Jeff Zapinski, Ben Saathoff, Matt Raymond, AJ Ruggirello, Jameson Carle, Eric Timmreck, Cameron Ginter, Geoffrey Critzer, Chris Fischer, Chris Taylor, Zach Quinn, Kyle Schrade, James Edwards, Brenton Hudas, Alex Dello, Mike Wierzbicki, Jeff Draper, Dylan Speer, Adam Zasuwa, Christian Miller, Tyler Jaron, Carson Reynolds, Tristian Hoff, Brandon Steffes, Collin Toggweiler, Matthew Haley, Alec Hayosh
Do you see anything incorrect in this lineage, or know of any Brothers who are not included on this Line but should be? Please let us know in a comment below, or by contacting the Alumni Association! Thank you.