The Zeta Pi Chapter at Oakland University received news in February 2023 that one of its alumni was named the new president at Eastern Illinois University.

That brother is Jay Gatrell, who joined the Zeta Pi Chapter in 1991 as part of the Kappa pledge class. Fun fact: he joined at the same time as his twin brother, Jonathan. He is Joe Piva’s little brother in the line of Founding Brother Dan Stacer.
Per the news coverage, Jay has been the provost and vice president of academic affairs at EIU before his selection as the university’s 13th president. He’s set to take on the new role in July 2023.
Throughout his career, Jay has been an economic geographer with interests in human environment interactions and he’s risen up the leadership ranks at several different higher education schools.
Though he’d started out at OU, he went on to earn his bachelor’s degree in political science from Eastern Michigan University, along with graduate degrees in geography from the University of Toledo and West Virginia University (Ph.D.). in the late 90s.
He went on to become a professor of geography and environmental studies at Bellarmine University in Louisville, KY, and he also served as vice provost for faculty affairs and research at the independent Catholic school. He also had spent time at Wright State University and 13 years in multiple positions at Indiana State University, including graduate dean and associate dean.
Jay’s EIU profile online notes that he took the EIU provost and VP of academic affairs spot in 2017.
According to the Daily Eastern News, Jay plans as EIU president to “shift the academic programs at Eastern to be more student focused, including the launch of accelerated graduate programs. (He) also plans Eastern to become a more affordable program.”
Congrats on your new position, Brother Gatrell! The Zeta Pi Chapter wishes you well!